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Photographing Bands

This section of my site is meant to be a resource for people who either enjoy photographing bands or want to start photographing bands. I've been photographing punk and hardcore bands for around 2 years now, and when I started out I was pretty confused, and couldn't find much information. So, I've learned a bit, and decided to share the information that I've come across. This isn't meant to be a complete resource, nor are the opinions expressed what I consider fact, it's just what I think and feel about photography. So, if you disagree, or don't like what I say, then that's cool, this is just what I've come to think after 2 years, a few heartbreaks, a number of good photos, several shows, many bands, lots of disappointments, a few hundred rolls of film, and thousands of photos. I'll add to this as I add to my site. I hope this helps!!! E-mail me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Travis D.


  1. The Camera ( July 26, 2000 )

  2. The Lens     ( July 26, 2000 )

  3. The Flash    ( July 28, 2000 )

  4. Film            ( July 28, 2000 )

  5. Positioning and Focusing ( August 07, 2000 )

  6. Long/Multiple Exposures  ( August 07, 2000 )



Well, I hope you enjoy this part of the site. Take care and good luck.